Wednesday, June 5, 2013


So today let's talk shields.  Any self-respecting Zelda fan knows that no Link costume is complete without a Hylian shield.  For the cosplayer, there are many options available out there for Hylian shields.  Some are near pixel perfect replicas, some are not.  Some claim battle-worthiness; some do not.  Remember my assertions in my first post? Well, that leaves me with limited options.

First, let's review shall we?

First we have the reference photo (from the actual Twilight Princess game:

Now, in regards to pixel perfect versions, the best I have found are done individually by cosplayers or better yet made by the folks over at Fiberglass Blades (their resin work for their swords is IMPRESSIVE too!):


(image from:

These shields are made from epoxy resin and foam injected and weigh in at around 5 lbs.  While good aesthetically, they are most definitely not battle worthy... One thing to note: the automotive paint is GREAT... We may use that later... ;)

Onto the battle-ready (sometimes used VERY loosely).

I really only found two places that have even remotely battle-worthy shields.  

The first set is from Twiggy's Treasures ( (they have three shields claiming to be battle ready):

These aren't terrible, but after research on the first one I learned that the "stainless steel" is like 21ga or less and the rest is resin; this is NOT battle ready.  The second two were more promising but I could never get detailed specs and furthermore Twiggy staff was unresponsive to any inquiries and I even tried to order the third one just to inspect it but I never got order confirmation and once again a lack of response from staff.  Pretty sad customer service there, guys. Way to go.

Then we have the only other battle ready like shield I have encountered (many websites sell that first one from Twiggy, don't be fooled).  This brings us to Aradani Studios (

Okay, sidebar: can I just say these guys are FREAKING awesome?  Paul Bielaczyc is also a big Zelda fan and is behind a lot of their Zelda gear.  He is super awesome to talk to as well, but we will get to that.  I am planning on getting a few items from these guys for my costume and they make some very accurate stuff.  You really should check them out!  Anyway, shields, right.

They offer a battle ready one made of wood covered in leather.  It is gorgeous! I really favor the silver painted one even though not accurate coloring.  It's made if heavy plywood covered in veg tan leather and hand painted.  They are pricey but well-made and would meet SCA regulation I am sure.  Here are a couple pictures of their various colors (as these are custom and hand-made they also offer custom coloring):

They can be purchased here:
Now, the ONLY problem I have with these are the lack of metal elements on it.  The Hylian shield, remaining true to the game would have steel edging (called an orle) and the triforce would be a gold, mirror-polished metal (likely gold or brass).  The Phoenix appears to be painted and there is metal thorn work also.  You can tell by the raised areas.

So while Aradani makes a breathtaking and worthy shield, it isn't quite close enough for my tastes.

So, I guess that leaves me with only one option: make a battle worthy and accurate Hylian shield.
I suppose I could fashion it from wood... The shield shape overall is a cross between a "heater" and "wankel" design both of which have true historic precedent.  I considered starting from a banded shield and ripping off the adornments and redoing, but most rimmed shields of the right shape run over $250 and that would be painful to tear one apart.

Then low and behold, I stumbled across Armor Venue (  Oh wow! They have a 16 ga. SCA regulation steel shield that is pretty much the right shape!!!!

This can be purchased here:

They also have an eBay store. They call it a "Four point shield".  I could be wrong but I don't think that term is historical, but whatever, it makes a basis of my shield! Sweet!  Now to make it look like a Hylian shield... Clearly there is going to be some metal work to make it work.. Some edging... Some polished brass triangles... Some riveting and shaping... Making a pheonix pattern... Should be fun!

The crafting of the shield will be a blog post on its own, so stay tuned!  I will give you a hint though... There will be a technique called "Brazing" involved... :)

I'm going to be looking to use this pattern, as I like the idea of the design along the border, as well as the small Hylian crests in the border as well:


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