Saturday, March 8, 2014

Down to brass tacks

Wow, it has been a while since I posted! Loving the sword, and at this point the costume for Link itself is done except the distressing (I will cover that when I get to it). Today let's talk about the shield.  It is going slow, but I do have the basic 16ga. steel blank which will serve as my foundation of the shield prepped and ready.  Good heater shield shape.

I also have gotten as far as the triforce stencil made and the first set of triangles cut from the 3/16" brass plate.  Do you have ANY idea how hard it is to cut 3/16" thick 260 machine brass by hand? Wow.

So it'll be a short update today but progress is being made! Once the triangles are all cut I will begin the beveling and polishing process...


  1. They look great! What are you using to cut the brass?

  2. It's covered in my latest post, but it is a very small kerf, diamond carbide bladed saw, similar to a hacksaw but designed for fine line metal cutting. :)
