Saturday, March 29, 2014

Some interesting press...

Hey all! I noticed since designing the greatest of Master Swords and having Brendan bring my concept to reality, it's gotten some notice!

Here are some articles (the KoH one grabbed some quotes from me to write) that spotlight the most combat ready Master Sword to exist to date:

Knights of Hyrule (

Kotaku (

RipItUp (

It's cool to see the sword get some notice. I cannot express how well balanced and beautiful it is! It slices through bamboo and rolled newspaper, foam and other common cutting targets like a hot knife through butter!

When at rest, it has a treasured place on my wall:


  1. Did the wall mount come with the sword, or did you make it yourself? Can you post a video of cutting through stuff?

  2. The wall plaque is just a store bought one. I have thoughts or a more elaborate one to mount with the shield when it is done.

    I haven't filmed any cutting but sure, I can think about that. :)
